

Get in Touch

Programa de Becas Horizons
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1o. y 2o. Básico
Inducción Académica
Actividades Extracurriculares

Educational Cycles

Admission Process

Regular Period
March 15 – May 31

Extraordinary Period
June 1 – December 31

Dear Families,

I understand how crucial it is for families to choose the best school for their children. As the admissions officer, I guide parents through this process, answering their questions and providing clear, timely information.

Our educational offering is built on key pillars: bilingualism, academic excellence, and the development of essential skills for success in today’s world. Additionally, our holistic approach includes international opportunities that broaden our students' horizons and prepare them to excel in a globalized environment. Our school’s mission also encourages students to develop their individual talents while actively contributing to a friendly and supportive community in an inclusive atmosphere.

I warmly invite all interested families to reach out to me. I’m here to assist you with anything you need, and I look forward to the opportunity to get to know you and support you on this exciting educational journey.

Valeska González

Requirements for Foreign Students

Applicants must meet the age requirements set by the Ministry of Education and participate in the 2025 admission process. Priority for available spots will be determined as follows:

  • Applicants with siblings at the school.
  • Children of alumni or school staff.
  • Re-enrollment of alumni due to parental job relocation.
  • Transfers between ISP schools.
Early Years School

This process involves participation in an activity called Play Day. It is a short school day where children engage in various playful activities such as free play, guided games, group activities with different materials, attentive listening to stories, recreation, and moments focused on hygiene and nutrition habits.

Skills and competencies will be assessed in the areas of autonomy, socio-emotional development, expressive and receptive language, and cognitive development. Information will be recorded using a checklist considering the following aspects:

  • Following instructions.
  • Sustained attention during activities.
  • Building relationships with peers and adults during various activities.
  • Adapting to and integrating into presented activities.
  • Expressing needs, ideas, and emotions. 

The same skills and competencies assessed in Playgroup will be evaluated. Additionally, assessments in language, mathematics, and English will be included, with progression according to each level, focusing on:

  • Language Analogies, Vocabulary (animals, parts of the house, family, habitat), Describing an image, Visual-motor coordination, Graphic representation, Reading comprehension, Phonological and syllabic awareness
  • Mathematics: Patterns, Geometric shapes, Location concepts (near, far, inside, outside, above, below), Quantifiers (more than, less than, equal to, different from, many, few), Temporal concepts (before, after, day, night), Sizes (long, short, small, large), Representing and counting numbers up to 10 Tamaños (largo, corto, chico, grande). Representar y contar números hasta el 1o.
  • English: Colors, Numbers up to 5, Family members, Greetings and farewells

Approval for the first semester requires 75% achievement, and for the second semester, 90% achievement.  

Basic and Secondary Education:

Applicants will be evaluated in language, mathematics, and English. A syllabus will be provided once an exam date is assigned.

A minimum passing score of 60% is required.

Results will be communicated via email and posted in the admissions office within a maximum of 5 business days after the exam.

Once the student is accepted, the guardian must complete the enrollment process within 5 business days. After this period, the spot will be released for another applicant.

Available Spots for 2025:

  • Playgroup: Lista de espera
  • Pre-Kinder: 6 spots
  • Kínder: Sin vacantes
  • 1st Grade: 6 spots
  • 2nd Grade: 8 spots
  • 3° Básico: Sin vacantes
  • 4° Básico: 4 cupos
  • 5th Grade: Waitlist
  • 6th Grade: 8 spots
  • 7th Grade: 10 spots
  • 8th Grade: Waitlist
  • I Medio: Sin vacantes
  • 2nd Year of High School: Waitlist
  • 3rd Year of High School: Waitlist
  • IV Medio: Sin vacantes
Actividades extracurriculares

Nuestros talleres extraprogramáticos ofrecen una amplia variedad de actividades deportivas y artísticas diseñadas para complementar la formación integral de los estudiantes.

Los 57 talleres disponibles proporcionan un espacio para profundizar en áreas de interés particular, estimulando el pensamiento crítico y la curiosidad intelectual.

Inducción Académica

Este programa de nivelación está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes nuevos de 6° y 7° básico a reforzar sus conocimientos en las áreas de matemáticas, lenguaje e inglés antes del comienzo del año escolar. Los contenidos serán adaptados según las necesidades específicas de los participantes, con el objetivo de fortalecer su aprendizaje y prepararlos para el año escolar que va a comenzar.

Visit our School

El sello formativo del colegio promueve que los estudiantes desarrollen sus talentos individuales y a la vez contribuyan activamente a construir una comunidad amable y solidaria, en un ambiente integrador.
Los invitamos a conocer nuestro colegio de lunes a viernes, desde las 16:00 hrs. hasta las 17:00 hrs.

Currículum internacional

Desde el próximo año académico, nuestro colegio implementará un currículum internacional para los ciclos de Early Years School y Primary School (1° y 2° básico).
Esta decisión es parte de nuestro compromiso continuo de ofrecer una educación de alta calidad, potenciando el idioma inglés como segunda lengua, con el fin de preparar a nuestros estudiantes para los desafíos del futuro.
Para recibir más información, se pueden inscribir a nuestra charla online el 7 de noviembre o ver el video explicativo de nuestra rectora, María Teresa Villa y las directoras de Early Years y Primary School, Melanía García y Katherine Toro.

1° y 2° básico

Nuestro programa de estudio de 1° y 2° básico es bilingüe, y está diseñado para desarrollar las habilidades en lectura, escritura, pensamiento matemático, científico, crítico y reflexivo, estableciendo una base sólida para el aprendizaje del siguiente ciclo y las competencias de vida necesarias para su futuro


At Early Years School, each child is at the center of their own learning, which unfolds through playful and meaningful experiences that consistently emphasize the learning and use of the English language.

Además, por un costo adicional, contamos con un After School que funciona de 13:00 a 17:30 horas, donde promovemos el desarrollo de habilidades, actitudes y conocimientos a través de actividades lúdicas de los estudiantes.