School Community

School Community

Learning to Live Together Based on this principle, our school engages in various activities throughout the year aimed at developing the skills necessary for a positive school climate. This is a vital area for our institution, and we continuously create opportunities for its strengthening and innovation.

In our educational community, the school environment is grounded in the institutional pillars that guide our interactions. The "Be Kind" ethos permeates every aspect of our community, promoting empathy, understanding, and mutual respect among everyone. We are also committed to developing Life Competencies, equipping our students with the tools they need to face the challenges of the world. From effective communication skills to conflict resolution, our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals ready to contribute positively to society. Together, these values and competencies define our community as a space for learning and growth.



How and Where Can I Get It?

The uniform can be purchased at any of the following stores:






  • Early Years School
  • Primary School
  • Middle School
  • Senior School 
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After School

Actividades extraprogramáticas para estudiantes de Playgroup, Pre-Kinder y Kinder.

Cada tarde se estimulará a los estudiantes del after desarrollando alguna habilidad.

  • Dance & Games
  • Mindfulness
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Cooking
  • Sports

Preguntas Frecuentes After School

¿Quiénes participan?

Niños y niñas de Playgroup, PreKínder y Kínder.

¿Quién está a cargo?

Una Educadora y una helper (Educadora o Técnico en párvulos)

¿Dónde se realizan las actividades?

Dentro y fuera de salas en el ciclo Infant

¿Dónde almuerzan?

Cada grupo almorzará en la sala correspondiente acompañados de la Educadora y Helper.

¿Qué enviar para comer?

Debe traer su almuerzo desde la casa, puede ser un termo o algo frío para comer. Una colación saludable.

¿Cómo se agrupan?

Los niños y niñas convivirán en aulas mixtas, en 3 grupos de 20 estudiantes. De esta manera se favorecerá la colaboración, empatía y ayuda entre los pares.